If you are having a problem with your reservation you can call our front desk (416) 674-1754 Or you can contact support through email by filling out the following form:
Park 4 Pearson only offers Self Park which will involve waiting for a shuttle bus to show you where to park, letting you keep your keys! For more prompt full service Valet Park visit Skyway Park
Self Park
Valet Park
Skyway Park will only offer a limited supply of Valet Parking for Winter 2020/2021.
1743134194 - Reserve.pl Processiong... Default Values: CheckIn : 2025-3-28 3:56 CheckOut : 2025-4-5 5:56 Departure : 2025-3-28 5:56 Return : 2025-4-5 5:56 DayOfYear Eval: NumberOfDays = 9 checkout DayOfYear(5, 4, 2025) = 95 checkin DayOfYear(28, 3, 2025) = 87 Selected Service: DropDown Service = ValetPark Selected Service Name = ValetPark_Service StartDate Adjust: (current)20250328 > (selected startdate)20230816
Parking Service Add-Ons are only available with Valet Park We perform most added services the morning prior to your return.
We have moved our main check-in counter for Personal Care/Valet Parking to our new location: 934 Dixon Rd., Toronto ON just across the street from the airport.